You invented a shrink ray to give to your HAWT Sexy Sister so that she can shrink you so that her and mum can pay for vacation for themselves. You sister can’t decide on where to put you because you’re so small. She then decides to put you in her mouth but her breath is so bad so she eats a mint. After she’s done chewing on the mint she tries to look for another one on the table but she’s all out. “You look mint size” she says. She picks you up and puts you in her mouth to play with you. She chews on you for a little bit and after awhile she decides she might swallow you because then security won’t find you anyway since you’re so small. Your sister AMA RIO Swallows you and you go down to her stomach. She tells you that she feels closer to you more than ever. THE END FUCKERS! NOW LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! IM FUCKING TIRED! IM GOING TO BED NOW! GAWD FUCKING DAM!